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Dental and Maxillofacial

The department of dentistry has been in existence in the hospital since its creation in the 90’s. It is the most equipped dental unit in the State caring the needs of hundreds of thousands of patients from within the state and other neibouring states like Bauchi, Yobe and Kano. Severally patients come to us from as far as Lagos and Osun States for surgeries based on treatments done successfully and satisfactorily for people known to them.
The department has 2 residents’ consultants in different field and 7 dental officers, one of whom is currently running his residency programme. There are 2 trained dental surgery assistants, 2 trained dental therapists and a well-trained dental technologist as well. Dentistry has 7 different field most of which are carried out at the Centre to its fillets except orthodontics.
The dental clinic runs every day seeing from simple halitosis cases to very life threatening malignant cases. Every Monday, major intermediate and sometime minor surgeries are carried out in the theatre by the Consultant oral and maxillofacial unit and dental officers. Cleft lip and palate surgeries are also done in the department successfully.
The numbers of patients seen monthly by the department has been on the rise and has continued to increase due to the competent staff and availability of the standard, treatment and resources.
The department serves as a training ground for students from various colleges studying dental therapy, dental technicians, dental surgery assistant, coordinating their clinical teaching, practical’s and presentation.
The Dental Department from 2017 to 2021 has experienced a continuous increase in the number of patient influx. This rise is due to the increase in the number of competent Dental staff especially amongst the Doctors, who as at 2017 were five (5) in number and by December 2020 the Dental Department can boost of 10 Doctors, one of whom is presently undergoing Residency Training.

Secondly, this positive growth is not for fetched from the fact that the Dental Department has been equipped with standard and sophisticated Dental equipment both in the clinic and laboratory that has helped the Dental Department function better and effectively, thus performing procedure that patients were formally referred to other center for.
Function of the Department
1. Treatment of patient both surgical and non-surgical
2. Provision of adequate teaching for students
3. Counseling patients with end stage/terminal dental malignancies
4. Abide by hospital policies
5. Training the doctors through the residency programme

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